
Take notice that I have deliberately moved next previous buttons and indicators below the slider. I did this to demonstrate the freedom that you will have when designing your own slider.

<!-- Can be DIV or UL structures -->
<ul id="mySlider" class="my-slider">
    <li style="background-image: url('images/branches.jpg')">One</li>
    <li style="background-image: url('images/flower.jpg')">Two</li>
    <li style="background-image: url('images/shack.jpg')">Three</li>
    <li style="background-image: url('images/waterfall.jpg')">Four</li>

Next and previous buttons

Click the buttons to see the effect on the slider.

<button id="myPrevious" class="btn btn-default">&larr;</button>
<button id="myNext" class="btn btn-default">&rarr;</button>

Indicators default or custom

<!-- default -->
<div id="myIndicators"></div>
<!-- custom -->
<div id="myIndicators">
    <img src="one.jpg" alt="your alt text">
    <img src="two.jpg" alt="your alt text">
    <div><img src="four.jpg" alt="your alt text"></div>

The CSS these classes are generated by the slider

.gabs-initiated is added to the slider element when it's initiated
.gabs-indicator is added to the indicator root element
.gabs-active is added to the active indicator child element
    /* .gabs-initiated is added to the slider element when it's initiated */
    .my-slider.gabs-initiated ~ .my-previous,
    .my-slider.gabs-initiated ~ .my-next {
        display: block;

    /* .gabs-indicator is added to the indicator root element */
    .gabs-indicator {
        font-size: 30px;
        padding: 10px;
    /* .gabs-active is added to the active indicator child element */
    .gabs-active {
        color: red;

The JavaScript

    var params = {
        slider: document.getElementById('mySlider'),
        btnNext: document.getElementById('myNext'),
        btnPrevious: document.getElementById('myPrevious'),
        indicators: document.getElementById('myIndicators')

    var mySlider = new gaBasicSlider(params);

Parameter details

Parameter Type Default
slider Node null
indicators Node null
btnNext Node null
btnPrevious Node null
animate Boolean true
animationDelay Number (milliseconds) 6000
animationDuration Number (milliseconds) 300

Methods start and stop animation of the demo slider at the top of this page

    // mySlider.start()
    document.getElementById('myStart').addEventListener('click', mySlider.start);

    // mySlider.stop();
    document.getElementById('myStop').addEventListener('click', mySlider.stop);

Events dispatched when the slider is initiated, started, and stoped.

    var slider = document.getElementById('mySlider');

    slider.addEventListener('initiated', function (e) {
        // called when initiated
    }, false);

    slider.addEventListener('start', function (e) {
        // called when animation is started
    }, false);

    slider.addEventListener('stop', function (e) {
        // called when animation is stopped';
    }, false);